Who We Are

Love Football Hate Racism is a fan-engagement charity that strives to demonstrate that there is more in football that unites supporters than divides them.

Football should be a place where everyone is welcome, regardless of the colour of their skin, the religion they follow, their gender, sex, sexuality, whether they are able bodied or not.

Whilst there may be an emphasis on antiracism, the charity promotes greater equality across the whole, of what supporters sometimes refer to as, the ‘beautiful game’.

Where We Come From

Love Football Hate Racism was borne out of desire to promote positive messaging in a sport, that is, or should be, for everyone to enjoy.

Football can unlock a passion within its supporters which produces an intense rivalry and a strong club loyalty.

This passion is what attracts many fans. It brings a uniqueness to football that other sports find difficult to replicate.

LFHR believe this passion can be used bring positive change to the game in contrast to groups that pop up from time-to-time sowing discord and hate.